Posted on July 12, 2012
Glorious Granite
Granite is truly a marvelous rock. Its speckled beauty in and of itself is quite stunning, but there is so much more to its beauty than just its appearance. When people think of granite, they usually think of kitchen countertops. But, has volcanic activity and a world-wide catastrophic flood ever occurred to you as you admire its vast array of colors and sheen? It hasn’t to most people, but after studying granite a bit, a catastrophic world-wide flood is the first thing that comes to my mind when I see granite.
I have been following a series of articles about an interesting phenomenon found in granite in one of my favorite resources, Answers Magazine. But, generally speaking, what is granite? Of what is it composed and how did it form? Dr. Andrew Snelling wrote that “broadly applied the term [granite] refers to any quartz-bearing, coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock” (From Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth: A Young-Earth Creationist Research Initiative, page 504). An intrusive igneous rock means that granite was formed by molten rock from volcanoes being forced through and between layers of rock. The key to understanding how granite formed is right there; it was formed due to dramatic volcanic activity.
After seeing how rapidly volcanoes reshape their surrounding landscape, like Mt. St. Helens in 1980, we can’t logically say that granite and its surrounding layers were formed gradually over many years. Granite must have formed rapidly during the global Genesis flood as the “fountains of the great deep” released their boiling plumes of water and lava. This merely stems from the definition of granite, and has nothing to do with the semi-technical articles I studied. The great global Genesis flood has left its fingerprints all over granite. We should keep this simple clue in mind when we see granite countertops.