Posted on September 7, 2012
Case of the Accidental Stegosarus

Once upon a time, there was a small town museum. No one knew where it had come from, it was just there. On a bright sunny morning, there was a massive spontaneous explosion in the museum, and over a course of many years plaster, water, lacquer, paint, and foam all somehow formed from the debris produced by the explosion. Well, as the years progressed, some beams rotted and fell on a water bucket, pouring its contents into a container of dry plaster and a dust devil which happened to be in just the right place at just the right time mixed the plaster and laid it perfectly in some molds that happened to form nearby. Many years later, a tornado blew through the area, pulling the pieces carefully out of their molds and putting them together so that they just happened to be perfectly in line with each other. Years later, a strong wind splashed lacquer and paint in lovely patterns on the plaster form and – voila, there is a perfect life-size model of a Stegosaurus. It all came about by random chance.
I hope that you were not fooled for a minute by my little fairy tale. I know firsthand that the life-size Stegosaurus model was very carefully designed, plans were laid out, and molds were designed to fit perfectly together. It took only a few years of planned steps rather than many years of purposeless, arbitrary accidents. It is absurd to think that this lifeless model could have come about without a conscious builder, but how much more illogical is it to suppose that a real Stegosaurus with functioning organs, down to the order of each cell in its body, and an incredible symbiotic relationship with its habitat could have come about by mere chaos? Yet, that is exactly what evolution teaches.
According to the Big Bang theory, everything in the universe is a result of an explosion which originally came from the point they call the “singularity”. However, the question still remains of exactly where the singularity came from. I know that some Christians like to say that God caused the Big Bang, but the God the Bible teaches about is loving, just, omnipotent, and personal. There is no logical reason why that kind of God would start creation with destruction (an explosion); the Bible says that destruction is a result of man’s sin, not God’s perfect creation, as He stated that it was “good” many times throughout creation week. We were lovingly designed by our creator, we were not an accident. No sane person would die to save a bunch of flawed accidents, but a compassionate Creator would give His life for the ransom of His precious, purposefully designed children.