Posted on December 1, 2012
The Gift of a Moment
The rising sun; our daily tasks; others living about us; the swirling, colorful, late Autumn leaves; a monarch Butterfly; tomorrow; do we take these types of things for granted? Sure, during Thanksgiving, we talk about not taking our blessings for granted, but we seldom remember the most precious and invaluable gits God has given to each one of us – life. Every moment I live and every breath that I take here on earth is a gift from God, not to be taken lightly.
God doesn’t give us our moments on earth so that we can have a happy life and live to the fullest for our own pleasure. Some of these blessed moments that God allows us to live out can be extremely painful or difficult, and some people may think that this describes most of their moments. As Christians living on earth, our true Home is Heaven, and we are soldiers in a battlefield. Every moment is precious, not necessarialy because each one is so enjoyable, but because how we live our moments is critical to the battles at hand. I’ve been impressed recently with my own weakness and futility, just how fleeting my life is. I am like a lily of the field – here today and gone tomorrow.
Now, I know I really should have written this clue about radioactive carbon in coal (and some other exciting surprises I have in store for the radioisotope dating Clue series), but this is not entirely irrelevant to the Clue series because radioisotope dating is all about time, just like this clue is. The advocate of billions of years take moments for granted, and does not realize that we only have as much time as God has given us, and we know from His infallible Word that the universe has only been arround for about 6,000 years. Praise the Lord today for the gift of a simple moment.