Darwin Day

On February 12th, 204 years ago, an English lad was born to a lawyer, the son of a doctor.  Fifty years later, he published his book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection and the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life (the full title of Darwin’s book), which became a main reference work for the belief in macroevolution.  Darwin Day is supposed to be a celebration of the victory of “science” over the delusions of “religion”.  However, humanism and materialism is just as much of a belief system, a standard by which all other information is interpreted, as Christianity is.  However, unlike Christianity, humanism and materialism lack a basic foundation for reason and science.

Darwin was very bitter against God after the tragic death of his favorite daughter, Annie.  He could not see why a just and loving Creator would allow someone like Annie, who seemed to be as good as a person could be, to experience such pain and suffering.  Today, most people are asking themselves the very same questions Darwin asked at one point or another in their lives.  Personally, I’ve asked that same question before, but turned to the Bible rather than bitterness for my answer.  God created everything good originally, but when man and woman chose to disobey God in the Garden of Eden, suffering and pain became the consequences of our sin.  But, just the First Adam  chose to disobey God in a garden one day, the Last Adam (Jesus) chose to obey God in the Garden of Gethsemane, taking our place both as a perfect Man and as the One Who took the punishment.

So on February 12th (Tuesday) this year, remember the questions Darwin asked that drove him to publish his book, but remember the answer we have to those questions as Christians.  I don’t deserve to live a painless life – I’m a condemned sinner and do not even deserve to be alive right now. But, by the grace of God, we can be redeemed from our sinfulness and know that one day there will be no more suffering and pain, just like it was before we chose to sin.

For more information on the recent controversy over Darwin day see: http://www.prweb.com/releases/darwin-day/opposition/prweb10360291.htm

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