Forgivness – Free and Forever

Guilt.  It plagues the human mind throughout every generation, and rightfully so, for we are all guilty of trespassing God’s hold laws.  We have all messed up, and under the justice of our holy Creator, we are condemned to eternal punishment.  We deserve to die.  However, because of God’s love and mercy to us, we have the option of letting Jesus take our rightful punishment.  We have the choice of free forgiveness forever.

However, even as Christians who have been forgiven, we are still sometimes haunted by guilt.  Sometimes that guilt is good because it encourages us to keep on the right track or seek restitution.  However, other times, when we torment ourselves with guilt about things from the past that are finished and forgiven by God and those we had hurt, guilt is a bad thing.

Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is myself.  But, if Christ has forgiven me, then who am I to withhold forgiveness from myself?  Refusing to forgive myself really is blasphemy, because it’s showing God that I think I have higher standards for myself than He does.  Fully accept His forgiveness for yourself. Forgive as God has forgiven us, freely and forever, and live your life focusing on Him.

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