Posted on March 9, 2013
A Curious Case
It’s a day in court and you are the judge. It is your job to figure out what really happened, and if you come to the wrong conclusions, your life could be at stake for the injustice. This is no ordinary case, because most of the witnesses died; naturally, because the crime scene is several thousand years old. However, you do have the written account of one witness, who was a key player in the mystery, as well as legends and written accounts passed down through the generations.
Some of the other judges, including some of the most important judges in the nation, think that you should completely disregard the written account – they are simple stories written by pathetic primitive people with serious problems of delusions of grandeur, they tell you. After all, with our modern technology in forensic science, we don’t need witnesses anymore. They even tell you that there were no witnesses. But, no good judge would disregard the account of people who at least claim to be witnesses; those other judges are making a serious mistake, regardless of their importance.
So you go to the crime scene and find lots of clues; there is mud – tons of it – hardened into rocks and in the mud, you find footprints, and all kinds of marks. What the witness wrote about seems to fit the evidence perfectly, as well as agree with the basic ideas in some of the legends. The other judges deny this, and fervently believe in some convoluted interpretation that the evidence actually proves the witness wrong. Perhaps at this point you begin to wonder if they have something personal against this witness. He said that He never lies, and no one has been able to find a lie in his writings, why doubt Him?
This is a true story, and you really are the judge. Your case is the case of World-Wide-Flood vs. Evolution & Billions of Years, and the “crime scene” you have are the layers of fossils and rocks all over the earth. The main witness that you have is God, and His account is, of course, the Bible. Over the next few weeks, we will be investigating some of the clues, and doing our best to solve the mystery. However, this is your case – you are the judge, and you are responsible for whatever conclusions you come to, and must face the consequence they bring with them.
Hmmm. This curious case has sparked my curiosity. Looking forward to future clues.