Posted on June 1, 2013
Who Am I?
Everyone wonders who we are and what are here for at one time or another in our lives. As young children, we talk about what we want to be when we grow up; maybe a doctor, hairstylist, paleontologist, mother, missionary, or teacher. We want to find a place where we belong and use the things we are good at doing. We want to know the purpose for our lives here, and sometimes we wonder if life is even worth living. To figure out our life purpose, we have to look back at where we came from.
God created everything in six days. He created light, land and sky, plants, the stars and planets, sea creatures and birds, and all land animals. He could have spoken Adam into existence just like he did with everything else; instead, He chose to be very interactive in His creation of man and took dust to make Adam, breathing the breath of life and spirit into him. Then He created Eve from Adam’s rib, right by his heart. God created people in His image, because He wanted someone to love and to be loved by, someone He thinks is worth dying for. Our ultimate purpose in life is to give glory to God, not to be successful, rich, or have everything figured out. When God created man and woman, He gave us the job of keeping His creation here on earth and having dominion over it, and doing that can take a wide variety of forms.
It’s easy for us to get wrapped up in the titles of our jobs and what we are supposed to do here on earth. I was thinking recently about what I could be called: “student”, “writer”, “seamstress”, “musician”, “geologist”, “children’s ministry coordinator”, “friend”, “thinker”, “creationist”, “remodeler”, “museum worker”, and hopefully someday “wife” and “mother”. All of those things are great, but none of those really and truly describe my life purpose. I’ve learned that no matter how long my life is and regardless of what will happen in the future, I am ultimately one thing, and that is “a servant of the Lord”. My interests and roles in life have changed and will change a lot, but the one identity I know I can truly rely on for my entire life – no matter what – is my identity in Jesus. Life is only worth living if you have something worth dying for, and Someone Who thinks you are worth dying for.