In Fellowship Sweet

The harsh November wind swirled around me as I waited at the cross walk and a sports car, blaring what the driver thought was music, sped through the intersection. I walked down the street a ways until I found my favorite bench in a sunny area and sat down for lunch alone, except for the little Bible that I kept for company. My first year at a secular college was a bit lonely. Yes, I was friendly and talked to people, and even made a few friends there, but there really weren’t many other like-minded people that I ever encountered during the few hours I spent on campus each week.

Without other like-minded Christians around, it’s easy to get discouraged and sometimes feel sorry for ourselves. One of the purposes of the church is to bring like-minded Christians together to encourage, help, and pray for one another. God did not design us each to have it all figured out and under control on our own, but instead, He created us to work together and need each other. Remember that we are soldiers of Christ, strangers on the enemy’s battlefield, so having allies fighting together can help us all win the day-to-day battles.

Being a young-earth creationist out on the battle field definitely makes having “allies” important to me. However, our enemy also knows how much we need each other and how dangerous we can be when we team up against him, so he tries to break us apart with things like little disagreements or jealously. Ultimately, of course, we have to make God our number-one supporter. About a year ago, I prayed to meet other creationists and although my attempt to go to what I thought of as “creationist Grand Central Station” fell through, I have been completely amazed at how incredibly God answered my prayer. I was encouraged by finding another creationist web-site just today, called the “Virtual Creation Zoo” which is run by three brothers from ages ten to thirteen. Here is the link to their site:

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