Posted on July 17, 2013
Do I Have To?
Have you ever had a time when you knew you should do something so you did it, but made sure not to enjoy it too much? As Christians, there are many things that God asks us to do, and that we know we should do, like serving in our local churches, so we sometimes do them out of obligation, rather than doing those tasks out of joy and gratitude. I know that I have had more than one conversation with my Maker that went something like this: “But God, that’s crazy!” [pause] “Well, okay; I’ll do it if You insist – but I’m not going to enjoy it.”
While obeying God is certainly better than flat out disobedience, if we don’t have the right attitude we might completely miss the whole reason He has us do things! It can be easy to let activities like Bible reading, memorizing Scripture, serving, and even praying become “tasks” that we must get done, and miss the wonder and awe of having a personal relationship with God. In Old Testament times, access to God’s presence was not something that just any person could have whenever they wanted. God does not call us to tasks, but to relationships; first and foremost with Him, but also with other people.
What about when God asks Christians to stand up for what we believe? Are we “ready to give an answer for the hope that is within us” and do it with joy? What about you? You may believe that God did create the universe in six literal days about six thousand years ago, but are you willing to joyfully stand up for this belief, even if it costs you dearly? God commanded us to “fill the earth and subdue it” (which includes science) when everything was good. Learning (or re-learning) science from the Biblical perspective is not a task, but a joyous adventure with Jesus at our side.