Posted on July 22, 2013
Christianity & Science
People recognize that Christian values like love, compassion, justice, and peace are good things. We recognize science as good too, because through science we can solve many of the world’s problems and even save people’s lives. But what about Christianity and science together? Many people wonder how – or if – Christianity goes with science, especially when it comes to the age of the earth. This Clue of the Week is the first in a series of Clues on this topic. Our July-September edition of Creation Clues for Kids (which should, Lord willing, be online by the end of the week) will also focus on this topic.
Before we dive into the depths of this controversial issue, it is important to step back and explore exactly what I mean when I say “Christianity” and “science”. In using the word “Christianity” I am referring to the belief that: 1) God exists, 2) He created the universe, 3) He is personal, 4) the Bible is accurate and reliable, 5) people are naturally sinful in our sin-cursed world, 6) Jesus was God, and 7) people cannot be justified by their own works so are in need of salvation from Jesus.
The word science in and of itself simply means knowledge. The exchange of ideas that comes from scientists. Please keep in mind that scientists are people, and as people, we are bound to make mistakes at one point or another. Because we don’t know everything (we never really can) and sometimes make mistakes what is accepted as scientific truth can change quickly. With some scientific ideas, they are accepted more for their popularity than because they are proven and repeatable. Next time we will talk about atheism and how we really can know that God exists.