Creation Clarified

For the past six weeks, we have been talking about the ideas of theistic evolution and millions of years, and how those ideas do not go along with the Bible. The reason why this topic is so important is because it is about the authority of God’s Word and the foundations of the Gospel. Our discussions in this series have been mostly philosophical or theological. Today we will conclude this Clue series and move on to some specific scientific evidences for creation and a young earth next week.

The idea of theistic evolution (i.e., that God used evolution to create) is not what the Bible teaches. Neither does trying to squeeze millions of years into the six days of creation work out. Thankfully, God did not give us some vague, metaphorical picture of the creation event, but instead He gave us a complete and specific historical account of how and when He created. Notice in Genesis 2 how the Scriptures seem to go out of the way providing details about where the Garden of Eden was and where the rivers branched off. This was to cite a specific, historical location where real people lived and actual events happened.

The flood is an important event for geology and covering the millions of years idea. It could not have been just a large local flood for several reasons. First of all, the Bible says how high above the tallest mountains the flood waters went (water cannot be sustained in mid-air unless God performs a miracle, like when Moses led the Children of Israel across the Red Sea, so the waters logically must have covered the face of the entire earth). Second, if it had been a large local flood, Noah and the animals could have just moved – they had plenty of warning. We will talk about specific scientific aspects of the flood later, but for now, the point is that a lot of water and little bit of time can account for most of the geologic layers we find on earth. For this Clue series, the main point is that we can trust God’s Word. Because we know that what God said about the past is true, we can trust what He says about our future.

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