Posted on November 5, 2013
Gifts & the Grace of God
Life is not fair. Our world is full of tragedy, brokenness, and grief. Often, I wonder why God allows terrible things to happen to seemingly innocent people in our world. Of course, I know that we have pain and suffering in the world because of Adam’s original sin, and that by accepting new birth through the blood of the Second Adam, God will wipe all the tears from my eyes and make all things new and beautiful. Yes, life is not fair, but I sure am glad it’s not. If God were to be truly fair to all of us in this world, we would not be here. We would probably all be burning in Hell, were it not for God’s grace.
As a Christian and young-earth creationist in a secular college, I often look around me at everyone else and wonder why I’m not like them. I certainly don’t want to be like them – I am deeply grateful to God for the way He created me and the positions He has put me in. But, I sometimes wonder why – why did God choose to bless me? Why do I have all this information that other people don’t? It is only by His grace that I am a Christian and a creationist. I don’t deserve His blessings any more than these students I walk by every week.
In Luke 12:48 Jesus says, “. . . For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” I have been blessed with many gifts, but because God has given me these things, He expects me to use them for His glory. Because I have been blessed, it is my responsibility to share my blessings with those around me. I need to be sharing the gospel and explaining what I believe about the age of the earth with those around me. I cannot convict a person or change his or her mind, but I am responsible for being a witness to others. What about you? What gifts have you been given and what are you going to do with them?