Posted on December 4, 2013
Thank YOU!
Over Thanksgiving this year I was, of course, thinking about some of the things I am most grateful for this year. I decided to share a few of my blessings here on my blog this year because it has a lot to do with my creation ministry outreach. In short, I am most thankful for the grace of God and the support of others, but part of being truly grateful is being specific. Let me expound upon my blessings.
This past year I have done a lot, including traveling in eleven different states, river rafting in the Grand Canyon, taking college classes & CLEP tests, and visiting the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum in Kentucky. I loved the experiences and am truly grateful for the lessons I have learned through them. I am especially grateful for the Grand Canyon adventure – it was an incredible experience.
I want to thank all of you who are reading this for your support and encouragement this year. I couldn’t do this without y’all. My distributers of Creation Clues for Kids and those who attended (or helped with) the summer kid’s workshops at Mt. Blanco have been a source of joy. I have also enjoyed getting to interact with other creationists/Christians both in the blog world and the “real world”. Most of all, I want to thank my family for their crucial support of my outreaches and tolerating me when I get overwhelmed and difficult to be around.
One thing that has really struck me this year is the incredible grace of God. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t grown up in a Christian family where we did things like read Dr. Gary Parker’s children’s books that talked about creation science. When I see angry atheists I can’t help but wonder if I would have been like them. It’s only by the grace of God that I am not like them. I am deeply grateful for all those who have gone before me to let me know the truth at a very young age. God has given me (and you too!) many amazing gifts. One of the best ways to show gratitude for these gifts is to use them. How has God blessed you, and how will you use those blessing to glorify His Holy Name?
God has blessed me with you and your amazing abilities! I am grateful that you allow Him to use you in so many terrific ways.