Have you been thinking about creation vs. evolution, age of the earth, and how science and the Bible work together? Maybe a lot of the scientific and Biblical evidence make sense to you, but you’re not quite sure if it’s worth the risk of taking on something controversial like this. Or maybe there’s some other decision or intimidating idea weighing on your mind and you aren’t quite sure if you’re ready to jump into the deep end just yet. Sometimes when we look up at the horizon of the path in front of us, it can look very daunting and dark. In times like that, it can be easy to let fear overwhelm and cripple us.
Yes, choosing to believe in a literal 7-day creation week just a few thousand years ago can be challenging, especially for students and scientifically involved people. You will be looked upon as a weirdo – I know that from my time in college (read about that experience here). But, throughout history, God seems to have a habit of calling His children to do things that seem strange, difficult, or don’t really make sense at the time. Knowing the truth isn’t about having an immediate, clear, concise answer for every question that comes up; rather, it’s about knowing the Person Who is the Way, Truth, and Life.
The simple peace of creation’s natural beauty is one of my favorite places to go to when I’m struggling with a decision or question of what is right or wrong in a given situation. Whether it’s looking up at starry night sky, kneeling to smell a flower, petting a kitten, or even holding a sleeping infant, the non-verbal language of God’s creation can help us understand things. Take for example the simple dandelion. What child doesn’t gather bouquets and blow puffy seeds off these weed-flowers? But dandelions aren’t a good thing to have in your garden. Sometimes we have to let the Creator rip up those dandelions in the gardens of our hearts to make room for the spectacular roses He’s planting. Getting roses over dandelions should be no real question – shouldn’t we be elated at such a prospect?!
Last weekend, I played songs on a church piano as my sister-in-law walked down the aisle to marry my brother. It was beautiful and made me think. When she said “yes” to marrying my brother, she was also saying “yes” to going very far away from the people and places she had grown up around. But, that fades in comparison to being with the person she loves most. Jesus is our Bridegroom, and sometimes He does ask us to leave our comfort zones to be closer to Him and delve into the miracles He’s doing in the world around us. If we are in love with our LORD and Redeemer let us rejoice and look forward with hope, rather than spend our time and energy weeping over the things we leave behind us. I’m not telling you what to do with your life or what decisions to make; merely to keep your focus on the only One Who can ever really be your True Love rather than on the issue at hand.
Beautifully put.