The smell of a newly printed book and the sensation of cracking a cover open for the very first time has always thrilled me. I have always loved books. Since I have also always loved children, children’s books are one of my favorite types of books to read. Of course, since I love science, children’s science books are just about as good as it gets.
When I first saw this new children’s science book series published by the Institute for Creation Research, I was very excited. However, after I read the first book in the series, Dinosaurs: God’s Mysterious Creatures, I was a little bit disappointed. It’s still a great book that I do recommend as a whole, but it was different from what I expected. Today, I’m going to tell you about who wrote this book, what the book is and is not, and who I recommend reading it.

Who is ICR?
The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) is one of the oldest modern creation science organizations. They have done a lot of incredible, important work over the years. I have been very excited to watch the way this organization has grown over the past decade or so since I’ve been following them. While their scientific research is foundational, they have also been doing a good job recently of making their research understandable for normal people. Besides having a number of very gifted scientists, here are few interesting things about ICR:
- They are building a new museum in the Dallas area of Texas! The museum is on schedule to open this year. Based off what I know about it so far, it sounds like it will be spectacular.
- ICR publishes a free monthly magazine. It’s been my favorite creation science publication to read for the past ten years. What I like about this magazine is that I know I can always learn something new from it. Keep in mind that this is definitely not a kids’ magazine, though.
- Books and videos that aren’t just educational – they are also visually appealing. I would highly recommend many of their books and new DVD sets to almost anyone.
What is this Book (and what is it not)?
The reason I was disappointed with the children’s book Dinosaurs: God’s Mysterious Creatures is because it was different than I expected.
Is it a good bed time story?
If you are looking for a good picture book about dinosaurs to read aloud to your child in less than an hour, this is not the right book. Dinosaurs: God’s Mysterious Creatures has a lot of good information for kids, but it’s not really designed in a way that makes it good to sit down and read all at once. However, if you are looking for a replacement for your child’s dinosaur encyclopedia, or a good reference book on dinosaurs for education, this is a good choice. The second half of this book goes through several different types of dinosaurs with lots of fun and interesting facts about each one. I do wish they had expanded this section to include more types of dinosaurs. Young children soak up facts about dinosaurs like sponges, especially when it comes to naming different dinosaurs. Besides dinosaur types, it also covers other important dinosaur-related topics like fossil footprints, rock dating, and dragons.
Sample pages from the book Sample pages from the book
Is it good for my kid who is obsessed with dinosaurs?
Most kids who pick up a book about dinosaurs are probably already very interested in dinosaurs. They probably already can tell you that T. Rex was a scary meat eater and Triceratops ate plants. The biggest difference with this book is that it covers dinosaurs from a biblical creation perspective. That being said, there’s a lot of information that isn’t directly linked to dinosaurs in the first half of the book. It is important basic creation science information but may feel a little bit irrelevant to a child who is anxious to learn about dinosaurs. If I was a child, I would skip to the middle and look back at the beginning later if I had questions. But will your dinosaur-lover enjoy this book? Yes, he will probably enjoy this book, but he might be a bit impatient with some parts of it.
Is this a good book for my four-year-old? What about my ten-year-old?
Yes, your four-year-old will probably enjoy this book because it is about dinosaurs. A typical ten-year-old might enjoy it, depending on her interests. Some of the wording might be a little tough for younger kids. Some aspects of the book might not be appealing to an older child because she might feel like she’s “too old” for it. Of course, every child is unique, so the best gauge of whether or not he will like Dinosaurs: God’s Mysterious Creatures it is to let him look at the book online or in-person before you buy it.

In summary, Dinosaurs:God’s Mysterious Creatures children’s book published by Institute for Creation Research is a great resource for kids, provided you know what you are getting. If you are looking for a good creation science book for a child in your life and you’re not sure what will be a good fit, please send me a message or comment. I would love to help you. I don’t make money off the sales of these resources or any others I might recommend (until I create my own, at least)*, so I would be happy to recommend the best resources to meet your personal needs. I simply believe this cause is essential to offering hope and clues towards the truth for the next generation.
Article ©2019 Sara J. Mikkelson
*The writer did receive a free copy of the book Dinosaurs: God’s Mysterious Creatures from ICR for the purpose of reviewing it on Creation Clues