Category: Bible
Posted on December 16, 2013
The Gift of Time
Last week I had finals for the fall college semester. It’s always hard for me to adjust to life after finals – I realize just how much extra time I seem to have when I don’t have to …
Posted on December 4, 2013
Thank YOU!
Over Thanksgiving this year I was, of course, thinking about some of the things I am most grateful for this year. I decided to share a few of my blessings here on my blog this year because it …
Posted on November 26, 2013
Created to Look Old?
Last week I visited a couple of local private schools where I distribute my Creation Clues for Kids to give them copies of my latest issue. As I was talking with one of the administrators, she mentioned a …
Posted on November 18, 2013
Christians & the Old Testament
Have you ever tried to read through the entire Bible in a year? This was one of my resolutions for the new year of 2013 and so far, I have managed to keep it up. Because I’m a …
Posted on October 25, 2013
The Little Things
I have recently become friends with some atheists in one of my college classes. I know that statement may sound counter-intuitive coming from a rather vocal creationist like me, but I’d rather talk to an atheist any day …

Posted on September 22, 2013
Grand Canyon: Creation & Flood
On my trip to the Grand Canyon I saw many spectacular rock formations. Well, technically a person could say that I lived in a spectacular rock formation for several days. This week I want to show you one …
Posted on August 31, 2013
Creation Clarified
For the past six weeks, we have been talking about the ideas of theistic evolution and millions of years, and how those ideas do not go along with the Bible. The reason why this topic is so important …
Posted on August 24, 2013
Clarifying Creation, Part II
What is the number-one reason why we know God did not use evolution or millions of years to create? If you really wanted to, you could spend all day just looking at the Hebrew text in Genesis 1. …
Posted on August 17, 2013
Clarifying Creation, Part I
Jake grew up in a typical church-going family. His family went to church every Sunday and he was one of the really good kids in Sunday school. He believed in God. He was a good boy. Jake was …
Posted on August 12, 2013
What God Says
We have already established that we know God exists and that we can trust what God says over what people say because God has always been there. God’s Word is true, timeless, and perfect. Over the centuries since …