Category: Clue of the week
Posted on March 15, 2018
Does it Matter if I Believe in Evolution or Creation? – Creation Basics 6
Does it really matter what you think about creation or evolution? Maybe you’re not a “science nerd” and don’t really care about origin science. Why should you care about creation or evolution? Does it really make a difference …
Updated on March 4, 2018
What Happened to the Dinosaurs? – Creation Basics 5
What killed all the dinosaurs? What are dinosaurs? Why don’t we find any today? Didn’t they live at least 65 million years ago? Did dinosaurs really evolve into birds? Did they have feathers? Any time the topic of …
Posted on February 21, 2018
Where Did You Come From? – Creation Basics 4
What is evolution? Where did humans and animals come from? What makes humans different from animals? Why is there so much variety among animals and plants? What about cave men? Whether through TV shows, movies, books, school, or …
Updated on February 11, 2018
How Old is the Earth? – Creation Basics 3
Did the Grand Canyon take millions of years to form? Haven’t geologists proved that the earth is billions of years old? How long does it take to fossilize an animal’s bones? Fossils, rock layers, and minerals are all …
Posted on January 30, 2018
Is the Genesis Creation Account Literal? – Creation Basics 2
Did God use evolution to create everything? Is there space for millions of years between the first two verses in Genesis? Is the creation account in Genesis literal or just a moral story? These are just a few …
Updated on January 23, 2018
What’s Your Origin? – Creation Basics 1
How old is the earth? Does evolution disprove the Bible? What about dinosaurs? Did God use evolution to create everything? Is God even real, or is He just a myth? People have a lot of questions about our …
Posted on October 28, 2017
Oil, Natural Gas, and a Young Earth
Up and down, up and down . . . I watched the giant oil pump that looked a little like a bird pecking at the ground. Growing up in the panhandle of Texas, oil wells and cotton fields …
Posted on October 13, 2017
Coal Creation
I love asking questions. I usually enjoy answering questions, too, especially when they come from kids and other people who are just curious and really want to learn and understand. Of course, a lot of times, I don’t …
Posted on April 21, 2017
Birth of Hawaii
“Look! There’s the island! Which volcano do you think that is?” I wondered, noticing a mountain peak poking through the layer of clouds as I looked out of the small plane window. We were in the Hawaiian islands, …
Posted on April 13, 2017
Sticky Situations
Carefully and proudly, I opened the black case, lined with dark blue velvet, and gently removed a long, slender violin bow. Excitement, nervousness, and anticipation filled the room – as a high schooler, I loved preforming in orchestra …