Category: Clue of the week

Busy Bees

A sudden movement caught my eye amid a cluster of flowers.  I leaned in a little bit closer to see a plump, fuzzy bee hovering above the flowers.  She seemed a little hyper for a photogenic pose, as …

Flying High

The airplane lurched forward as we suddenly sped up on the runway for takeoff. I watched out the window as we ascended high in the sky and my familiar city shrank into patches of green and brown, dotted …

Speaking Up, Part 3

“So, you’re an atheist, right?  What made you come to that decision?” I asked my archery classmate one day between rounds.   She perked up to that question, saying she was excited to meet a young earth creationist.  Before …

Speaking Up, Part 2

“Who here likes to think?” asked my chemistry professor in class one morning.  As I slowly raised my hand, I came to the horrifying realization that I was the only one in the room raising my hand.  “It’s …

Speaking Up, Part 1

You pick a seat in a large room full of strangers.  You shuffle through your backpack, check your phone, and try to have a friendly conversation with the people around you as you wait.  Finally, a professor walks …

Light Rays to Brighten Days

One day as I was driving down the highway I glanced out a window and saw a stunning scene that took my breath away for a second.  Several distinct rays of bright light shone through a tight grouping …

Reveling in Rainbows

Clouds alone can be breathtakingly beautiful, but when clouds and sunlight get together they can create many different stunning pictures in the sky.  Of course, the most obvious cloud/light phenomenon that comes to mind is a rainbow, but …

Spotting Storm Clouds

A cool breeze sweeps through the summer air after a warm day, stirring the trees and playing with my hair as I watch the distant sky turn that beautiful deep blue color the sky always becomes right before …

Clues on Cloud Classification

Did you look up in the sky this week and see some of those three basic cloud types I mentioned last week – cumulus, cirrus, or stratus?  Perhaps your sky was completely clear and perfect for stargazing all …

Clues From Clouds, Part 2

Last week we started talking about how important clouds are to our daily life.  Without clouds, life on earth as we know it would be impossible.  Not only are clouds highly functional, but they can also be breathtakingly …

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