Category: Clue of the week

A Wonderful Plan???

Have you ever heard someone say, “God has a wonderful plan for your life”?  The idea of God having a wonderful plan for each and every one of our lives, filled with love and goodness, may seem logical …

***Special Local Event Anouncement***

We will be holding our first summer kids workshop at Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum on Tuesday, June 11, and we hope to see y’all’s bright smiles there!  During the “Where Do Fossil Ages Come From?” workshop*, families will have a fun-filled, …

Who Am I?

Everyone wonders who we are and what are here for at one time or another in our lives.  As young children, we talk about what we want to be when we grow up; maybe a doctor, hairstylist, paleontologist, …

Are Guns the Problem?

Do gun laws have anything to do with the Bible, God, and science?  Absolutely.  Talking about gun laws or just guns in general can make some people very uncomfortable, but it is a very important topic in today’s …

Missions and the Great Commission

The young woman waited nervously at the shore for the boat to return to carry the next load of children to safety on the other side.  If someone saw them, it would be the end of Gladys Aylward …

Using Your Gifts

What if Charles Darwin had met Gregor Mendel?  This is a question that has provoked much thought from scientists throughout generations.  Darwin and Mendel were contemporaries, working in similar fields.  Darwin observed the results of genetic variation in …

Spring in My West Texas

Different parts of the earth are beautiful in their own ways.  Some places have rolling hills and soft, flowered meadows, while others have colorful creatures hiding in dense vegetation.  Some have breathtaking purple mountain peaks, and others show …

Solving the Mystery

We are back in the court room, that we discussed six weeks ago in the post, “A Curious Case”.  The day for the decision has arrived and you are the judge.  There is a lot at stake; it’s …

Dinosaur Detection, Part II

In our clue last week, we discussed Theropods (dinosaurs like T-rex and velociraptor), which evolutionists believe evolved into birds.  However, the ichnofossils do not support this idea, as velociraptor and bird footprints have been found right next to …

Dinosaur Detection, Part I

Today we continue on our quest to solve this mysterious case, of which we are the judge.  So far, we have talked about ichnofossils (trace fossils) and the hints they give us about our case, Wold-Wide-Flood v. Evolution …

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