Category: Clue of the week

Standing on the Edge

Jumping on the trampoline in our backyard used to be my favorite outdoor activity, next to swinging on my swing.  However, after I sprained my ankle on it when I was twelve, I lost my enthusiasm for it.  …

Clues from Crystals

A bright sapphire dangling from a gold chain glistens in the stage lights as the woman wearing the necklace begins to sing.   There is a constant dripping sound that breaks the silence in a dark cavern in South America …

The Rocks Cry Out

Dinosaur bones and coal still containing radiocarbon; Radical two-ring radiohalos; Traces of C-14 in diamonds; Helium held captive by granite; problems in the underlying logic behind radioisotope dating; These hidden wonders of science truly display the glory of …

Granite’s Captive

A thin metal tower holds a drilling rig as it is guided down to a depth of down to 2.6 miles bellow the surface at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.  At this depth, the temperature reaches 595 degrees (F), and …

Acorns & Dreams

The gentle autumn breeze softly rustles the red and gold leaves still hanging by the branch of an oak tree and causing an acorn to drop from its place on the tree.  Because God designed the acorn with …

The Baby Creator

The crowded streets smelled awful from the many animals carrying people in and out of the little town.  The steady swaying of the animal and constant stopping made the rider, a young peasant woman, feel sick.  Worst of …

Radical Radiohalos

The depth and beauty of the granite countertop of the ice cream shop intrigued me as I slowly enjoyed my cone.  There were grey, white, clear, and light pink specks, which I knew to be quartz, peachy colored …

Carbon-14 Cries Creation & Catastrophe

            Radiocarbon dating is one of my all-time favorite geology subjects, so it is with mixed feelings that I write this final Clue about it for this series.  But, I have so much more information that I believe you, …

The Gift of a Moment

The rising sun; our daily tasks; others living about us; the swirling, colorful, late Autumn  leaves; a monarch Butterfly; tomorrow; do we take these types of things for granted?  Sure, during Thanksgiving, we talk about not taking our blessings …

Thankful Thoughts

I have enjoyed writing about radioisotope dating these past few weeks, and I still have much more information to share here about it, but because yesterday was Thanksgiving , and because I believe that this is a very …

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