Category: Clue of the week

Unthinkable Radiocarbon Dates

The team of five men paddled furiously along in the wind-tossed icy waters of the Colville River in Alaska.  They had been slowly making their way through the Alaskan wilderness for almost a week, in spite of the …

The Notorious Radiocarbon Dating, Part 2

Last week, I said that there are two main differences between radiocarbon dating and other radioisotope dating methods:  the especially short half-life of Carbon-14, which I discussed last time, and now, where the Carbon-14 comes from.  Radioactive carbon …

The Notorious Radiocarbon Dating, Part 1

Have you ever heard someone say that Carbon dating proves that the earth is 4.5 billion years old?  Well, if you ever do, realize that they are dead wrong.  Even evolutionists who know what they are talking about …

Radioactive Decay

In order to explain what I found while studying radioisotope dating for my geology presentation I need to explain some basics of how it all works. If you already know this stuff, just bear with me, we will …

The Magic Wand

Last week, I did a presentation for my geology class on radioisotope dating methods.  Before presentation day though, I did a lot of research on this topic, so this Clue of the Week will be the first in …

Baffling Bones

There is an intricate, three-dimensional puzzle that fits together in such a way that it intrigues scientists to devote a lifetime’s worth of work into figuring out how all of these amazing pieces not only fit together, but …

Disturbing discord

Have you ever noticed that sometimes the most difficult people to get along with are either family members or fellow Christians (especially those in one’s local body)? Unfortunately, I personally am not especially good at the art of …

Dying Daily

The dark, crowded prison smelled awful.  She had walked for miles carrying a heavy basket loaded with as much food as she could obtain.  She was expecting a child and due any day.  She fought tirelessly throughout the …

Domino Effect

Many rectangular white pieces with specific arrangements of dots on either side of a lateral dark line splitting the domino in half are carefully balanced upright.  One right after another, they stand in a line that curves around …

Why Science?

This week, I have been doing some research for a presentation I am assigned to do for my geology class this semester.  I plan to post at least some of what I find here on a later date.  …

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