Category: Special Theme/ Holiday

Changing Plans

I took a deep breath, smiling with anticipation as I looked out the window and saw the winding river on the ground far bellow me.  The plane gradually started to descend, but it seemed like an exuberant amount …

Simply Blessed

You take a deep breath of air filled with a gentle floral fragrance as you watch the sun set in brilliant colors, reflected by a few graceful clouds, and the stars begin to appear.  Pause!  You probably don’t …

* Changes Coming for Creation Clues! *

I am excited to announce that there are a few changes under way with Creation Clues!  In August the Clue of the Week started being published on The Creation Club website as well as here on Creation Clues.   The Creation Club …

Freedom and the Separation of Church & State

Today is, of course, July 4th or Independence Day.  It’s the day we have for celebrating our freedom in America.  Unfortunately, many people do not really understand what freedom really means.  Often, people think that “freedom” is the …


Did you make any resolutions or goals for the new year of 2014?  I actually did not think about making new goals this new year, but I made several last year.  One of my goals for 2013 was …

Christmas – Forgiveness and Hope

Christmas.  It’s a time of joy, love, and family.  It’s a time to remember the amazing things God has done for us in coming to us in the form of a man.  Sometimes it’s easy to get “wrapped …

Thank YOU!

Over Thanksgiving this year I was, of course, thinking about some of the things I am most grateful for this year. I decided to share a few of my blessings here on my blog this year because it …

***Special Local Event Anouncement***

We will be holding our first summer kids workshop at Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum on Tuesday, June 11, and we hope to see y’all’s bright smiles there!  During the “Where Do Fossil Ages Come From?” workshop*, families will have a fun-filled, …

Choice in a Garden

It was a beautiful day in the garden; the sun filtered light through the canopy of bright green leaves above, the birds were singing, and Adam was taking a ride on the stegosaurus with his beloved companion, Eve.  …

Love of the Creator

Love.  What does that really mean?  I have turned it over again and again in my mind, as if I’m trying to figure out a riddle.  Since Valentine’s Day was this week, I thought it would be appropriate …

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