Category: Just for Fun

Jurassic World & How Our World Should Be

My friend beside me gasped in horror as the bloody scene of a dinosaur tearing into one of its human victims flashed across the big screen of the movie theater.   When I went to see the new movie, …

Marvelously Made Music, Part 2

Have you ever sung a song that worked fairly well at first, but ended up getting too high-pitched for your range because someone started it uncomfortably high?   Or maybe, like this writer, the opposite is more likely to …

Marvelously Made Music, Part 1

Do you love music? Although music is often thought of as an art, there is really a lot of math and science involved in music.  As a music-loving geek, I’ve noticed some rather incredible mathematical and scientific beauty …

That Beautiful Storm Cloud Blue

When rolling white clouds grow dark, And no one ventures to the park, The sky is with its shade marked, That beautiful storm cloud blue In the calm before the storm, When dark skies begin to form, Comes that …

Pi Appreciation Day

Can you imagine what the world would be like without round/curved shapes?  Life would be pretty rough in only rectangular/triangular shapes; everything would look like it came out of some weird pixilated computer game.   Moving much of anything …


In every soul is a window, An opening in every life Through which our moments show     Mysteries hide behind those windows, Travelers see but a moment of life That from the opening flows     A …

The Cleansing Wave

Do you ever feel weighed down by your past mistakes?  Wondering if God can use you for His glory, in spite of your sin?  This beautiful hymn – one of my favorites – is an encouraging reminder of …

Clues From Clouds, Part 1

Do you ever enjoy looking up at the clouds?  I used to lay in the grass with my camera and weather notebook quite frequently, fascinated by the way the clouds overhead grew or changed shape.  My favorite way …

Summer Barefoot Days

This is a poem I wrote several years ago.  It’s about enjoying the season of life you are in right now. Hope you enjoy this! When Zinnias bloom, And gone the gloom, Of dry and barren ways, Come …

“Let it Go” – A Creationists Thoughts on “Frozen”

It was a chilly evening in early January and I was sitting in the back of my friend’s car with the lift-gate wide open, huddling under a pile of blankets and jackets.  It may not have seemed like …

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