Category: Kids


Why Don’t Birds Get Electrocuted?

Have you ever noticed a bird perched on a power line and wondered why it doesn’t get electrocuted? The reason why is because of how electricity works . . .

Book Review – Dinosaurs: God’s Mysterious Creatures

The new children’s book, Dinosaurs: God’s Mysterious Creatures, by Institute for Creation Research has a lot of good information. But is it really a good fit for the needs of your family?

Terrific Trilobites

Have you ever wondered what the world would have looked like before Noah’s flood?  When you go camping today, you might worry about a bear getting into your food. But, what if you had to worry about T. …

Your Mind-Blowing Brain!

Did you know that your brain works a little bit like a computer? Only, it’s like a computer that is way more amazing and complex than we can ever understand. Your brain is the best technology you will …

White Sands – Creation Clues for Kids Vol 6 No 1

White Sands The howling dry wind whipped all around, making my hair go wild.  The sand was so deep, it swallowed my feet more and more with every step. My sweaty skin felt sticky as it mixed with …

Butterflies – Creation Clues for Kids Vol 5 No 3

Flutter By Do you ever like to catch bugs, butterflies, or other little creatures outside? Sometimes, you can catch bugs and watch them live in a jar for a while.  Some of the most exciting bugs I remember …

The Amazing Moon – Creation Clues for Kids Vol. 5 No. 2

Amazing Moon Have you ever noticed that the moon sometimes looks like a fingernail? Or noticed it in the sky during the day time? Maybe you’ve tried to imagine what it would be like to become an astronaut …

Dinosaur Wars – Creation Clues for Kids Vol. 5 No. 1

Dinosaur Drama Have you ever wondered what it might be like to be an explorer, discovering new places or buried secrets of the past? In paleontology, scientists dig up and study fossil remains of dinosaurs and many other …

Creepy Crawly Creatures – Creation Clues for Kids Vol. 4 No.4

Creepy, Crawly, Critters! Do you have any pets?  Maybe you have a friendly furry friend like a dog or cat.  Or you could have something like a hamster, lizard, bird, or fish.  But, what do you think about …

Splendorous Swans

“Look kids! I think that might be a swan with her babies!” I exclaimed, pointing across the pond. My young companions and I wandered around the pond to get a closer look. Sure enough, it was large, graceful …

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