Category: Life

The Gift of Time

Last week I had finals for the fall college semester.  It’s always hard for me to adjust to life after finals – I realize just how much extra time I seem to have when I don’t have to …

A Beautiful Poem

This is a beautiful poem that a dear friend of mine wrote.  She gave me permission to put it on my blog, but asked to remain anonymous.  It is a poem about the heart of woman.  I hope …

Thank YOU!

Over Thanksgiving this year I was, of course, thinking about some of the things I am most grateful for this year. I decided to share a few of my blessings here on my blog this year because it …

Created to Look Old?

Last week I visited a couple of local private schools where I distribute my Creation Clues for Kids to give them copies of my latest issue. As I was talking with one of the administrators, she mentioned a …

Christians & the Old Testament

Have you ever tried to read through the entire Bible in a year? This was one of my resolutions for the new year of 2013 and so far, I have managed to keep it up. Because I’m a …

Hope for Saul

The weather was nice that afternoon as some travelers made their way down the dusty road. The man in charge of the group smiled smugly to himself, satisfied by the power that the papers he carried would have. …

Gifts & the Grace of God

Life is not fair.  Our world is full of tragedy, brokenness, and grief.  Often, I wonder why God allows terrible things to happen to seemingly innocent people in our world.  Of course, I know that we have pain and …

The Little Things

I have recently become friends with some atheists in one of my college classes.  I know that statement may sound counter-intuitive coming from a rather vocal creationist like me, but I’d rather talk to an atheist any day …

Grand Canyon: Monument of Mercy

I took a slow, deep breath, just trying to comprehend that it was all real.  I felt like I had just stepped into a beautiful scenic photograph.  But, the paradoxical combination of the sun’s oppressive heat and the …

Grand Canyon: Granite Rocks

As a geology student I love to look at, touch, and think about rocks.  However, I am afraid that I do not love all kinds of rocks equally.  My least favorite rocks are the ones that look like …

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