Category: Modern Issues

Christians & the Old Testament

Have you ever tried to read through the entire Bible in a year? This was one of my resolutions for the new year of 2013 and so far, I have managed to keep it up. Because I’m a …

Gifts & the Grace of God

Life is not fair.  Our world is full of tragedy, brokenness, and grief.  Often, I wonder why God allows terrible things to happen to seemingly innocent people in our world.  Of course, I know that we have pain and …

The Little Things

I have recently become friends with some atheists in one of my college classes.  I know that statement may sound counter-intuitive coming from a rather vocal creationist like me, but I’d rather talk to an atheist any day …

Grand Canyon: Beauty Through Pain

The Grand Canyon truly is marvelous and incredibly beautiful. At first glance, most Christians would think of the wondrous creation works of God when they see this incredible monument to the power of God. However, God did not …

Creation Clarified

For the past six weeks, we have been talking about the ideas of theistic evolution and millions of years, and how those ideas do not go along with the Bible. The reason why this topic is so important …

Clarifying Creation, Part I

Jake grew up in a typical church-going family. His family went to church every Sunday and he was one of the really good kids in Sunday school. He believed in God. He was a good boy. Jake was …

Do I Have To?

Have you ever had a time when you knew you should do something so you did it, but made sure not to enjoy it too much? As Christians, there are many things that God asks us to do, …

Creation and Abortion

I gently rocked back and forth as I listened to the sermon and looked down at the serene face of the baby sleeping in my arms. She reminded me of how very valuable the life of a little …

Use Your Youth

The streets are lit by the synthetic glow of city lights as a group of teenagers party late into the summer night, and then stumble home in the wee hours of the morning.  Any deserted or public building …

A Wonderful Plan???

Have you ever heard someone say, “God has a wonderful plan for your life”?  The idea of God having a wonderful plan for each and every one of our lives, filled with love and goodness, may seem logical …

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