Category: Philosophy

Pi Appreciation Day

Can you imagine what the world would be like without round/curved shapes?  Life would be pretty rough in only rectangular/triangular shapes; everything would look like it came out of some weird pixilated computer game.   Moving much of anything …

Well-Rounded Reasoning, Part 2

Ever heard someone say they know earth is billions of years old because of radiometric dating?  On the surface, that may sound like a fairly reasonable, scientific thing to say.  What many people do not realize is that …

Well-Rounded Reasoning, Part 1

Driving down the highway, I glance in the rear-view mirror and notice a Mustang approaching.  Instantly, I start thinking, “Oh dear!  Clear the way – it’s a Mustang!”, and I anxiously start looking for the soonest opportunity to …

Changing Plans

I took a deep breath, smiling with anticipation as I looked out the window and saw the winding river on the ground far bellow me.  The plane gradually started to descend, but it seemed like an exuberant amount …

Thinking Clearly, Part 2

How often have you heard things like this: “Follow your heart”, “do what you want to do”, “follow your dreams”, “trust your feelings”, or “discover your true self”?  As a young woman living in our modern world, I’ve …

Thinking Clearly, Part 1

Have you ever heard someone say something like this, “Evolution must be true because Dr. Smith, my biology professor, teaches it as a fact” ?  It’s obvious that “Dr. Smith” is an expert on biology and many people …

What Glasses Do You Wear? – Creation Clues for Kids Vol. 3 No.2

Worldview Glasses Have you ever tried on a pair of glasses with red colored lenses?  Or 3D glasses?  They make everything look strange shapes and colors.  Every scientist, and in fact, every single person in the world uses …

Logical Living – Part 2

“Well, you better go to college and get a career you like because you’re never getting married.  No man would ever tolerate you,” an exasperated theistic evolutionist declared towards the end of a drawn-out debate I’d had with …

Logical Living – Part 1

“The horsies are sad!” declared  little girl I was playing with.  “Why are the horsies sad?” I asked, a little confused about this sudden turn of events in our chipper game with miniature horse and cowboy figures.  “Because, …

Worldview Glasses – Creation Clues For Kids Vol. 1 No. 1

Worldview Glasses Have you ever tried on a pair of glasses with red colored lenses? Or 3D glasses?  They make everything look strange shapes and colors.  Every scientist, and in fact, every single person in the world uses …

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