Category: Philosophy

Who’s Really in Charge Here?

The detective was shocked. He never would have come up with the right scenario on his own. It was only through hearing the accounts of several witnesses that the true meaning behind the clues could be discovered. Using …

Christianity & Science

People recognize that Christian values like love, compassion, justice, and peace are good things. We recognize science as good too, because through science we can solve many of the world’s problems and even save people’s lives. But what …

Do I Have To?

Have you ever had a time when you knew you should do something so you did it, but made sure not to enjoy it too much? As Christians, there are many things that God asks us to do, …

Creation and Abortion

I gently rocked back and forth as I listened to the sermon and looked down at the serene face of the baby sleeping in my arms. She reminded me of how very valuable the life of a little …

In Fellowship Sweet

The harsh November wind swirled around me as I waited at the cross walk and a sports car, blaring what the driver thought was music, sped through the intersection. I walked down the street a ways until I …

The Curse for Women

The sky grows dark and all the people fall completely silent as the Savior Cries “It is finished!” The earth quakes, and somewhere midst the crowd of people, a middle aged woman stands with a broken heart. He …

Use Your Youth

The streets are lit by the synthetic glow of city lights as a group of teenagers party late into the summer night, and then stumble home in the wee hours of the morning.  Any deserted or public building …

A Wonderful Plan???

Have you ever heard someone say, “God has a wonderful plan for your life”?  The idea of God having a wonderful plan for each and every one of our lives, filled with love and goodness, may seem logical …

Who Am I?

Everyone wonders who we are and what are here for at one time or another in our lives.  As young children, we talk about what we want to be when we grow up; maybe a doctor, hairstylist, paleontologist, …

Are Guns the Problem?

Do gun laws have anything to do with the Bible, God, and science?  Absolutely.  Talking about gun laws or just guns in general can make some people very uncomfortable, but it is a very important topic in today’s …

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