Category: Biology


Why Don’t Birds Get Electrocuted?

Have you ever noticed a bird perched on a power line and wondered why it doesn’t get electrocuted? The reason why is because of how electricity works . . .

Your Mind-Blowing Brain!

Did you know that your brain works a little bit like a computer? Only, it’s like a computer that is way more amazing and complex than we can ever understand. Your brain is the best technology you will …

Where Did You Come From? – Creation Basics 4

What is evolution? Where did humans and animals come from? What makes humans different from animals? Why is there so much variety among animals and plants? What about cave men?  Whether through TV shows, movies, books, school, or …

New Human Footprint Discovery?

The late afternoon sun was beginning to sink. Waves lapped up onto the sandy beach, erasing footprints and leaving a perfectly smooth surface of wet sand. The newly smoothed sandy surface, just waiting to catch new footprints, reminded …

The Human Immune System – Purpose

What is wrong with me? I thought as I caught a glimpse of my pale face and the dark bags under my eyes in the mirror. I was getting tons of sleep, but still felt exhausted and struggling …

Sticky Situations

Carefully and proudly, I opened the black case, lined with dark blue velvet, and gently removed a long, slender violin bow. Excitement, nervousness, and anticipation filled the room –  as a high schooler, I loved preforming in orchestra …

Butterflies – Creation Clues for Kids Vol 5 No 3

Flutter By Do you ever like to catch bugs, butterflies, or other little creatures outside? Sometimes, you can catch bugs and watch them live in a jar for a while.  Some of the most exciting bugs I remember …

Exploring Living Fossils – Part 1

As I scanned the display of familiar Kansas fossils, taking lots of pictures for my personal research record, there was one oddly shaped fossil that didn’t quite seem to fit in with the others.  But, with the overwhelming …

He Nose About Breathing

Breathe through my nose?  What do you mean? That’s the problem. I can’t breathe through my nose – it’s stuffy!  These were my first thoughts when I heard about using certain breathing exercises to help relieve my seasonal …

Master of Web Design

A gentle fog lingered in the autumn morning air.  As I walked across the damp grass, I was excited to see the rain gauge after the stormy day before.   I stopped suddenly to gaze at the glistening barrier …

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