Category: Science

Marvelously Made Music, Part 2

Have you ever sung a song that worked fairly well at first, but ended up getting too high-pitched for your range because someone started it uncomfortably high?   Or maybe, like this writer, the opposite is more likely to …

Marvelously Made Music, Part 1

Do you love music? Although music is often thought of as an art, there is really a lot of math and science involved in music.  As a music-loving geek, I’ve noticed some rather incredible mathematical and scientific beauty …

Catastrophic Colorado Monument, Part 2

The precariously balanced enormous boulder towered ominously above us.  “Careful!  Don’t drive too slowly under that rock!”  My younger brother anxiously piped up from the back of our suburban, full of friends and family members gathered together for …

Catastrophic Colorado Monument, Part 1

I drew in a sharp breath and held on tightly as we suddenly rounded a narrow curve and I got a good look down the steep edge at the spectacular, sharp rocks far below us.    The chilly wind …

God’s Rock Garden – Creation Clues for Kids Vol. 4 No. 2

Giant Rock Garden Have you ever seen a rock garden, or made one yourself? A rock garden can often look really cool, with different sizes and colors of rocks arranged in specific ways.  There’s an enormous natural “rock …

Chemicals to Life?

How exactly did the first living things come into being were they formed by lighting electrocuting lifeless chemicals or were they spoken into existence by the Word of a Divine Creator?  This topic came up in my historical …

Evolution of Mammals & Musical Instruments (Or Maybe Not)

Did humans get here by the process of evolution over millions of years or were we supernaturally made in the image of God?  Perhaps you wonder if both of these origins concepts could be true.  However, with a …

That Beautiful Storm Cloud Blue

When rolling white clouds grow dark, And no one ventures to the park, The sky is with its shade marked, That beautiful storm cloud blue In the calm before the storm, When dark skies begin to form, Comes that …

Creation Week and the Cross

Have you ever wondered if it really matters that we have a seven day week? Simply put, it’s because God created everything in six literal, 24-hour days, rested on the seventh, and commanded us to model our lives …

Colorful Creation, Part 2

Do you have a favorite color?  Or do you think you’re too old to have a favorite color anymore?  I always enjoy asking kids this question, but really no one is too old to appreciate the diverse and …

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