Category: Science

Deep Earthquakes, Part 2

Last week we started talking about the recent earthquake that occurred bellow the Sea of Okhotsk (950 miles north of Japan).  What was incredibly striking about this earthquake was how deep it was.  Usually earthquakes only go to …

Deep Earthquakes, Part 1

For the past couple of weeks we have been talking about some of the basics of plate tectonics and how this theory relates to the world wide flood mentioned in the Bible.  One of the most important concepts …

Moving Plates, Part 2

Last week we talked a little bit about plate tectonics and the global flood.  Today I want to talk a little bit more about this topic so that next week we can get into some more specific evidence …

Moving Earth, Part 1

Earthquake.  The word alone can make people tremble.  Today I want to tell you a little about earthquakes, what causes them, and what they have to do with the Bible.  I’ve been reading some very interesting articles recently, …

The Gift of Time

Last week I had finals for the fall college semester.  It’s always hard for me to adjust to life after finals – I realize just how much extra time I seem to have when I don’t have to …

Created to Look Old?

Last week I visited a couple of local private schools where I distribute my Creation Clues for Kids to give them copies of my latest issue. As I was talking with one of the administrators, she mentioned a …

Hope for Saul

The weather was nice that afternoon as some travelers made their way down the dusty road. The man in charge of the group smiled smugly to himself, satisfied by the power that the papers he carried would have. …

Grand Canyon: Monument of Mercy

I took a slow, deep breath, just trying to comprehend that it was all real.  I felt like I had just stepped into a beautiful scenic photograph.  But, the paradoxical combination of the sun’s oppressive heat and the …

Grand Canyon: Granite Rocks

As a geology student I love to look at, touch, and think about rocks.  However, I am afraid that I do not love all kinds of rocks equally.  My least favorite rocks are the ones that look like …

Grand Canyon: Rock Dating

The Grand Canyon is both a geologist’s dream and a geologist’s nightmare. It’s a geologist’s dream because it’s not just a bunch of sediment rock layers (like sandstone and limestone), but it also has hardened lava flows and …

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