Category: Why Young Earth Creation?

Creation Week and the Cross

Have you ever wondered if it really matters that we have a seven day week? Simply put, it’s because God created everything in six literal, 24-hour days, rested on the seventh, and commanded us to model our lives …

Well-Rounded Reasoning, Part 1

Driving down the highway, I glance in the rear-view mirror and notice a Mustang approaching.  Instantly, I start thinking, “Oh dear!  Clear the way – it’s a Mustang!”, and I anxiously start looking for the soonest opportunity to …

Creation Clarified

For the past six weeks, we have been talking about the ideas of theistic evolution and millions of years, and how those ideas do not go along with the Bible. The reason why this topic is so important …

Clarifying Creation, Part II

What is the number-one reason why we know God did not use evolution or millions of years to create? If you really wanted to, you could spend all day just looking at the Hebrew text in Genesis 1. …

Clarifying Creation, Part I

Jake grew up in a typical church-going family. His family went to church every Sunday and he was one of the really good kids in Sunday school. He believed in God. He was a good boy. Jake was …

What God Says

We have already established that we know God exists and that we can trust what God says over what people say because God has always been there. God’s Word is true, timeless, and perfect. Over the centuries since …

Who’s Really in Charge Here?

The detective was shocked. He never would have come up with the right scenario on his own. It was only through hearing the accounts of several witnesses that the true meaning behind the clues could be discovered. Using …

God, Are You There?

Before we explore the reasons why Theistic evolution, the belief that God used evolution to create, doesn’t work, we first need to discuss how we know that God is real. Furthermore, we can’t just prove that a god …

Christianity & Science

People recognize that Christian values like love, compassion, justice, and peace are good things. We recognize science as good too, because through science we can solve many of the world’s problems and even save people’s lives. But what …

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