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Thanks for wanting to become an important part of our mission at Creation Clues! Our main goal is to offer hope to people by revealing clues through science, nature, and the Bible. Sara remembers exactly what it was like growing up and wresting with questions about everything – especially about why there are so many bad things in the world. Her heart is to offer hope to other kids who wrestle with tough questions – and the parents of those kids. There are five very important ways that you can be involved in this mission: 1) Pray for us, 2) Send us an encouraging message, 3) Subscribe to our monthly email newsletter, 4) Share these free resources with others who might be touched by them, 5) Donate to help cover our costs of running Creation Clues!

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As every adult knows, it costs money to keep the lights on, get groceries, and much more if you run an advertisement-free website like Creation Clues! Both David and Sara currently work full time and have other side jobs as well. The message of Creation Clues is important to us, and we will continue to share it even though it’s not very helpful financially and takes a lot of precious time. But, if the Lord lays it on your heart to do so, any donations would help us be able to spend more time on creating these free resources instead of working on other side jobs. Please prayerfully consider joining our effort to offer hope through these clues to more people!

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