Tag: animals

Where the Buffalo Roam

Crunch . . . Crunch . . .“Huhhhgh” – a loud sigh followed the heavy noises, close to a tent where the energetic girl and her mother were sleeping.  Over breakfast, stories were told of strange noises heard …

Meeting Miss Lulu

“Meet Lulu – she’s a bearded dragon” I explained to the delighted kids as I knelt down so they could stroke the lizard sitting on my shoulder. Some timidly touched Lulu, surprised to find that she didn’t feel …

Designed to Do Things His Way

“What’s that?!” I asked when I saw the creature disappearing into the woods. “It’s a woodchuck” my friends explained. I was thrilled – I didn’t remember ever having seen a real woodchuck just running around by the side …

Busy Bees

A sudden movement caught my eye amid a cluster of flowers.  I leaned in a little bit closer to see a plump, fuzzy bee hovering above the flowers.  She seemed a little hyper for a photogenic pose, as …

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