Tag: Bible

Is the Genesis Creation Account Literal? – Creation Basics 2

Did God use evolution to create everything? Is there space for millions of years between the first two verses in Genesis?  Is the creation account in Genesis literal or just a moral story? These are just a few …

What’s Your Origin? – Creation Basics 1

How old is the earth? Does evolution disprove the Bible? What about dinosaurs? Did God use evolution to create everything? Is God even real, or is He just a myth?  People have a lot of questions about our …

Tip-Toe Tracks

The dark gray sky glowed with eerie shades of sickly green, rusty red, and deep purple.  Patches of smoky black lingered low in the sky, sometimes broken by torrential shafts of rain.  Deep rumbling noises and echoes of …

Destruction of the Ammonites

You might come across passages that talk about the destruction or judgment of the people group of “Ammonites” in the Bible, when reading through the Old Testament.  Some of these irritating Ammonites tried to prevent Nehemiah from re-building …

Created for His Presence

The setting sun lit up western clouds in fiery reds and oranges, contrasting beautifully with the deepening blue of the surrounding sky. A soft September breeze rippled through my loose hair as I slowly walked onward, quietly contemplating …

Ancient Buried Landscapes & The Flood

During a somewhat intense moment swimming through the deep frigid waters of a dark cave, I noticed the rotten-egg smell of sulfur. I couldn’t help but think of what that sulfur I smelled might indicate about the formation …

Suffering, Sin, and Spectacular Creation

“Why am I in a wheelchair, diabetic, and dying of cancer?” the lady asked pointedly, glaring straight at me. I had just been describing the perfect creation (without any suffering and death) that God declared “very good” at …

Loves’ Perfect Reference Point

Are you more likely to turn to your brain or your heart when you are facing a problem or making an important decision?  As a “geeky girl” I’ve experimented a little with balancing the heart and the head …

God’s Rock Garden – Creation Clues for Kids Vol. 4 No. 2

Giant Rock Garden Have you ever seen a rock garden, or made one yourself? A rock garden can often look really cool, with different sizes and colors of rocks arranged in specific ways.  There’s an enormous natural “rock …

Finding Comfort in Creation

Have you been having a difficult day?  Or one of those weeks where everything just seems to go wrong?  Bad things happen in our sin-cursed world, ranging from small disappointments to major tragedies and everything in between.    Tensions …

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