Tag: carbon-14

Updated on April 11, 2018
Where Do Fossil Ages Come From? – Creation Clues For Kids Vol. 2 No.1
Radioisotope Dating Have you ever heard someone at a museum or on TV say something like this “ . . . this T-rex lived 65 million years ago . . .” and wonder how they come up with …
Posted on June 4, 2013
***Special Local Event Anouncement***
We will be holding our first summer kids workshop at Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum on Tuesday, June 11, and we hope to see y’all’s bright smiles there! During the “Where Do Fossil Ages Come From?” workshop*, families will have a fun-filled, …
Posted on April 20, 2013
Dinosaur Detection, Part II
In our clue last week, we discussed Theropods (dinosaurs like T-rex and velociraptor), which evolutionists believe evolved into birds. However, the ichnofossils do not support this idea, as velociraptor and bird footprints have been found right next to …
Posted on December 7, 2012
Carbon-14 Cries Creation & Catastrophe
Radiocarbon dating is one of my all-time favorite geology subjects, so it is with mixed feelings that I write this final Clue about it for this series. But, I have so much more information that I believe you, …
Posted on November 4, 2012
The Notorious Radiocarbon Dating, Part 1
Have you ever heard someone say that Carbon dating proves that the earth is 4.5 billion years old? Well, if you ever do, realize that they are dead wrong. Even evolutionists who know what they are talking about …
Posted on October 19, 2012
The Magic Wand
Last week, I did a presentation for my geology class on radioisotope dating methods. Before presentation day though, I did a lot of research on this topic, so this Clue of the Week will be the first in …