Tag: creation

Marvelously Made Music, Part 1

Do you love music? Although music is often thought of as an art, there is really a lot of math and science involved in music.  As a music-loving geek, I’ve noticed some rather incredible mathematical and scientific beauty …

Chemicals to Life?

How exactly did the first living things come into being were they formed by lighting electrocuting lifeless chemicals or were they spoken into existence by the Word of a Divine Creator?  This topic came up in my historical …

Finding Comfort in Creation

Have you been having a difficult day?  Or one of those weeks where everything just seems to go wrong?  Bad things happen in our sin-cursed world, ranging from small disappointments to major tragedies and everything in between.    Tensions …

God’s Rock Garden, Part 1

The picturesque view of Colorado Mountains outlining the distant horizon was suddenly broken by nearby jagged red rocks towering high above us as we approached.   The closer we got, the more dramatically the rough rocks loomed from above.  …

Simply Blessed

You take a deep breath of air filled with a gentle floral fragrance as you watch the sun set in brilliant colors, reflected by a few graceful clouds, and the stars begin to appear.  Pause!  You probably don’t …

How Did God Create Everything? – Creation Clue for Kids Vol.1 No. 2

Did God Use Evolution to Create Everything? The Bible says in the very first verse of the very first chapter that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”.  Some Christians have thought that maybe God …

Busy Bees

A sudden movement caught my eye amid a cluster of flowers.  I leaned in a little bit closer to see a plump, fuzzy bee hovering above the flowers.  She seemed a little hyper for a photogenic pose, as …

Speaking Up, Part 1

You pick a seat in a large room full of strangers.  You shuffle through your backpack, check your phone, and try to have a friendly conversation with the people around you as you wait.  Finally, a professor walks …

Light Rays to Brighten Days

One day as I was driving down the highway I glanced out a window and saw a stunning scene that took my breath away for a second.  Several distinct rays of bright light shone through a tight grouping …

Freedom and the Separation of Church & State

Today is, of course, July 4th or Independence Day.  It’s the day we have for celebrating our freedom in America.  Unfortunately, many people do not really understand what freedom really means.  Often, people think that “freedom” is the …

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