Tag: creation

Creation and Abortion

I gently rocked back and forth as I listened to the sermon and looked down at the serene face of the baby sleeping in my arms. She reminded me of how very valuable the life of a little …

Who Am I?

Everyone wonders who we are and what are here for at one time or another in our lives.  As young children, we talk about what we want to be when we grow up; maybe a doctor, hairstylist, paleontologist, …

Choice in a Garden

It was a beautiful day in the garden; the sun filtered light through the canopy of bright green leaves above, the birds were singing, and Adam was taking a ride on the stegosaurus with his beloved companion, Eve.  …

The Creation of Women

The baby’s face twisted into a sour expression and turned two shades of red darker as he wailed for his mother.  She gave her baby a kiss, handed his diaper bag to a day-care worker, and headed off …

Domino Effect

Many rectangular white pieces with specific arrangements of dots on either side of a lateral dark line splitting the domino in half are carefully balanced upright.  One right after another, they stand in a line that curves around …

Formed for Freedom

Today, July 4, 2012, is the 236th anniversary of the day our founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence, risking their lives for our freedom.  But, no one risks his or her life without a cause that he …

Logical Assumptions

Everyone makes some assumptions.  It’s not wrong to make assumptions, as long as we know what assumptions we are making and know that they are solid, logical, and essential.  Often, people misunderstand scientists as being people who are …

WARNING!! Foundation Under Attack!

In America today Christianity is under attack at its foundation, the first chapters of the book of Genesis. Upholding the truth of these first eleven chapters is vital to logically understanding salvation and all other Biblical concepts. If …

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