Tag: creationism

Thinking Clearly, Part 2

How often have you heard things like this: “Follow your heart”, “do what you want to do”, “follow your dreams”, “trust your feelings”, or “discover your true self”?  As a young woman living in our modern world, I’ve …

Age of the Earth – Creation Clues For Kids Vol. 2, No. 3

I Have a Question . . . It’s good to be curious and ask questions.  Without questions, we would never have science, because science is all about finding answers to our questions about how things work.  And just …

Christianity & Science

People recognize that Christian values like love, compassion, justice, and peace are good things. We recognize science as good too, because through science we can solve many of the world’s problems and even save people’s lives. But what …

In Fellowship Sweet

The harsh November wind swirled around me as I waited at the cross walk and a sports car, blaring what the driver thought was music, sped through the intersection. I walked down the street a ways until I …

***Special Local Event Anouncement***

We will be holding our first summer kids workshop at Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum on Tuesday, June 11, and we hope to see y’all’s bright smiles there!  During the “Where Do Fossil Ages Come From?” workshop*, families will have a fun-filled, …

Solving the Mystery

We are back in the court room, that we discussed six weeks ago in the post, “A Curious Case”.  The day for the decision has arrived and you are the judge.  There is a lot at stake; it’s …

Clues From the Past

In general, when people think of fossils, they think of bones – especially dinosaur bones. But, fossils are not just bones, but also soft body parts and trace fossils too. Trace fossils are called ichnofossils. The most obvious …

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