Tag: death

Two Different Realms?, Part 2

Last week I talked about the other young lady I met in the hall while waiting for lab to start.  When I asked her about her thoughts on evolution and Christianity she said, “I just think that those …

The Gift of a Moment

The rising sun; our daily tasks; others living about us; the swirling, colorful, late Autumn  leaves; a monarch Butterfly; tomorrow; do we take these types of things for granted?  Sure, during Thanksgiving, we talk about not taking our blessings …

Domino Effect

Many rectangular white pieces with specific arrangements of dots on either side of a lateral dark line splitting the domino in half are carefully balanced upright.  One right after another, they stand in a line that curves around …

Heavenly Hope, Part 2

As we saw in the first part of this clue series, Charles Darwin had a rather sad childhood.  In some ways, a person might think that Darwin had a fairly pleasant life.  He was wealthy, well educated, successful, …

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