Tag: design

Posted on November 18, 2016
Facing the Facts
The late summer evening glow of the setting sun made the trees and rocks of the South Dakota Black Hills reverberate with a final splash of brilliant color before darkness cloaked their splendor for the night. My flip-flops …

Posted on October 14, 2016
Master of Web Design
A gentle fog lingered in the autumn morning air. As I walked across the damp grass, I was excited to see the rain gauge after the stormy day before. I stopped suddenly to gaze at the glistening barrier …

Posted on March 11, 2016
Well-Rounded Pi
After years of waiting, dreaming, and planning, the long-awaited day had finally come – and it was remarkable! That day was better than I could have imagined, and one day I’ll probably remember for the rest of my …

Posted on December 4, 2015
Wondrous Wings
Though standing perfectly still, my eyes danced all around the room trying to follow each of the beautiful, delicate creatures fluttering toward the greenhouse-style ceiling of the imitation rainforest. I drank in the quiet splendor of the scene, …

Updated on November 14, 2015
Monarch Momma’s Medicine
Little things can make a big difference. Always remember to say “thank you” to people – even when you don’t really feel like it. Sometimes a simple smile and “thank you” given to a tired waitress or janitor …

Posted on October 2, 2015
Splendorous Swans
“Look kids! I think that might be a swan with her babies!” I exclaimed, pointing across the pond. My young companions and I wandered around the pond to get a closer look. Sure enough, it was large, graceful …

Posted on July 17, 2015
Garbage Guys
Trembling with mixed excitement and fear, I slid back the wire screen on top of the glass tank and slowly reached in to touch a pile of the huge sleeping bugs. I jumped back in fright as the …
Posted on October 12, 2012
Baffling Bones
There is an intricate, three-dimensional puzzle that fits together in such a way that it intrigues scientists to devote a lifetime’s worth of work into figuring out how all of these amazing pieces not only fit together, but …
Posted on September 7, 2012
Case of the Accidental Stegosarus
Once upon a time, there was a small town museum. No one knew where it had come from, it was just there. On a bright sunny morning, there was a massive spontaneous explosion in the museum, and over …