Tag: dominion mandate

Posted on May 6, 2016
Where the Buffalo Roam
Crunch . . . Crunch . . .“Huhhhgh” – a loud sigh followed the heavy noises, close to a tent where the energetic girl and her mother were sleeping. Over breakfast, stories were told of strange noises heard …

Posted on December 11, 2015
Unhindered Flight
Across the vast, open flat-lands, the setting sun cast radiant ripples of iridescent orange across the rows of lacy magenta clouds with a background of deepening blue. As I drove down the highway, enamored with the beauty and …

Posted on March 13, 2015
Pi Appreciation Day
Can you imagine what the world would be like without round/curved shapes? Life would be pretty rough in only rectangular/triangular shapes; everything would look like it came out of some weird pixilated computer game. Moving much of anything …
Posted on July 28, 2013
God, Are You There?
Before we explore the reasons why Theistic evolution, the belief that God used evolution to create, doesn’t work, we first need to discuss how we know that God is real. Furthermore, we can’t just prove that a god …