Tag: evolution
Updated on March 4, 2018
What Happened to the Dinosaurs? – Creation Basics 5
What killed all the dinosaurs? What are dinosaurs? Why don’t we find any today? Didn’t they live at least 65 million years ago? Did dinosaurs really evolve into birds? Did they have feathers? Any time the topic of …
Posted on February 21, 2018
Where Did You Come From? – Creation Basics 4
What is evolution? Where did humans and animals come from? What makes humans different from animals? Why is there so much variety among animals and plants? What about cave men? Whether through TV shows, movies, books, school, or …
Posted on April 6, 2017
Four Arguments Against Living Fossils Answered
I scoured the beautiful, thick glossy pages with a skeptical eye. Internally, questions and objections were popping up all over my mind as I fleshed out the ideas presented. The book was “Living Fossils”, by Dr. Carl Werner. …
Updated on December 9, 2016
A New Fossil Tail
Did you ever play the game, “Telephone”, passing a whispered phrase down the line of people? By the time the person on the end blurts out whatever they heard, it’s usually not what the first person said. The …
Posted on July 29, 2016
Pterosaur Touchdown
The stunning, blue color made a dramatic contrast to the bright green summer grass. It was just a single Blue Jay feather sitting on the grass. Feathers always remind me of the incredibly intricate and beautiful way our …
Updated on January 31, 2016
Rock Time – Part 2
If you ask an evolutionist for fossil evidence of evolution, in one way or another, they will likely point you to the geologic timescale or geologic column. They try to use the geologic column to illustrate evolution of …
Posted on June 19, 2015
Jurassic World & How Our World Should Be
My friend beside me gasped in horror as the bloody scene of a dinosaur tearing into one of its human victims flashed across the big screen of the movie theater. When I went to see the new movie, …
Posted on May 1, 2015
Chemicals to Life?
How exactly did the first living things come into being were they formed by lighting electrocuting lifeless chemicals or were they spoken into existence by the Word of a Divine Creator? This topic came up in my historical …
Posted on April 17, 2015
Evolution of Mammals & Musical Instruments (Or Maybe Not)
Did humans get here by the process of evolution over millions of years or were we supernaturally made in the image of God? Perhaps you wonder if both of these origins concepts could be true. However, with a …