Tag: fossils

Updated on March 4, 2018
What Happened to the Dinosaurs? – Creation Basics 5
What killed all the dinosaurs? What are dinosaurs? Why don’t we find any today? Didn’t they live at least 65 million years ago? Did dinosaurs really evolve into birds? Did they have feathers? Any time the topic of …

Updated on February 11, 2018
How Old is the Earth? – Creation Basics 3
Did the Grand Canyon take millions of years to form? Haven’t geologists proved that the earth is billions of years old? How long does it take to fossilize an animal’s bones? Fossils, rock layers, and minerals are all …

Posted on March 25, 2016
Flying Fossils
“Hurry! Let’s catch one!” Declared my 5-year old friend, as she ran across the grass, wielding a plastic cup and lid. Swarms of dragonflies were dancing overhead. The girl leaped into the air, spinning and reaching her cup …

Updated on January 31, 2016
Rock Time – Part 2
If you ask an evolutionist for fossil evidence of evolution, in one way or another, they will likely point you to the geologic timescale or geologic column. They try to use the geologic column to illustrate evolution of …

Updated on January 8, 2016
Celebrating a Scientist who Rocked Our World
Beautiful, delicious layer cakes are often used in weddings, birthdays, and other celebrations. Monday, January 11, 2016 marks the 378th birthday of Nicolaus Steno, who was a brilliant creation scientist of history, best known for his groundbreaking work …

Posted on June 12, 2015
Fish Tales
The whirling wind swirled my once-neatly pulled back hair in every direction as I intently chipped away at the dirt around the fossil. Almost breathless with anticipation, my excitement grew every time we brushed away the dirt to reveal yet …

Updated on April 11, 2018
Dinosaur Fossils – Creation Clues for Kids Vol. 3 No. 4
Dinosaur fossils Do you like dinosaurs? Ever wonder if it might be fun to ride on the back of a long-necked Apatosaurus or visit a triceratops at a petting zoo? On the other hand, you might look at …

Updated on April 11, 2018
How to Make a Fossil – Creation Clues for Kids Vol. 3 No. 3
Fossils Do you like being outside and discovering different kinds of plants, bugs, and rocks? Maybe you even have your own collection of rocks or shells. If you have ever collected many rocks, you might have found some …

Updated on April 11, 2018
God’s Amazing Sea Creatures – Creation Clues for Kids Vol. 2 No. 2
Amazing Sea Creatures From the beach, the ocean looks quiet and still as the sun sets. But, deep down in the water, the strangest most colorful creatures are showing off their incredible design. Some of these creatures, like …

Updated on April 11, 2018
World Wide Flood! – Creation Clues For Kids Vol.1 No. 3
World Wide Flood! Rain poured down in ultra-heavy torrents, like no one had ever seen before and no one would ever see again. Every bit of land was covered in dark greenish-brown water with large chunks of wood, …