Tag: fossils

Digging Up Bones, Part 1

Sometimes life doesn’t quite go the way we planned it.  But I sure am glad it doesn’t because I’m way too realistic to have ever planned some of the things I’ve ended up doing.  Getting involved in paleontology …

Digging in the Dirt, Part 2

Last week, I started talking a little bit about the dig I went on in Kansas recently. The canyons cut through beautiful yellow and gray layers that are considered to be part of the Cretaceous group. The layers …

Digging in the Dirt, Part 1

The cold wind howled furiously around me as I knelt on the barren ground to pick up a sparkling rock that had caught my eye.  I turned the rock over in my hand, enamored with its beauty and …

Dinosaur Detection, Part II

In our clue last week, we discussed Theropods (dinosaurs like T-rex and velociraptor), which evolutionists believe evolved into birds.  However, the ichnofossils do not support this idea, as velociraptor and bird footprints have been found right next to …

Tricky, “Ich”-y Clues

Ichnofossil is a rather funny looking word, and frankly, it’s fun to say too – it is pronounced Ick-no-fossil.  Like I mentioned last week, these fossils are unique because they are not body fossils (i.e., bones, preserved skin, …

Fish Fossils

Fossils.  What comes to mind when you read that word?  Most people think of dinosaur bones or other animal bones.  But, fossils are so much more than just dinosaurs, or even bones.  The majority of the fossils we …

Furious Flood

The thunder roared triumphantly as the stormy waves tossed the vessel mercilessly back and forth.  The ship just barely missed a deadly plume of boiling, lava-heated water.  Rain poured down in torrents for over a month.  The sun …

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