Tag: geologic timescale

Updated on January 31, 2016
Rock Time – Part 2
If you ask an evolutionist for fossil evidence of evolution, in one way or another, they will likely point you to the geologic timescale or geologic column. They try to use the geologic column to illustrate evolution of …

Posted on January 29, 2016
Rock Time – Part 1
“May I borrow someone’s binder for a moment?” my geology professor asked in class one day. I offered mine. He started flipping through to find our next assignment . . . and continued to flip through the thick …

Posted on June 19, 2015
Jurassic World & How Our World Should Be
My friend beside me gasped in horror as the bloody scene of a dinosaur tearing into one of its human victims flashed across the big screen of the movie theater. When I went to see the new movie, …