Tag: Gospel

Posted on March 15, 2018
Does it Matter if I Believe in Evolution or Creation? – Creation Basics 6
Does it really matter what you think about creation or evolution? Maybe you’re not a “science nerd” and don’t really care about origin science. Why should you care about creation or evolution? Does it really make a difference …

Posted on August 21, 2015
Molded in His Image, Part 2
The sweat gathered on my furrowed brow as I gently – but firmly – tried to roll the extremely delicate rubber sheet off of the rough stony object. The intensity built as I started to get a good …

Posted on June 26, 2015
Loves’ Perfect Reference Point
Are you more likely to turn to your brain or your heart when you are facing a problem or making an important decision? As a “geeky girl” I’ve experimented a little with balancing the heart and the head …

Posted on June 19, 2015
Jurassic World & How Our World Should Be
My friend beside me gasped in horror as the bloody scene of a dinosaur tearing into one of its human victims flashed across the big screen of the movie theater. When I went to see the new movie, …

Posted on June 12, 2015
Fish Tales
The whirling wind swirled my once-neatly pulled back hair in every direction as I intently chipped away at the dirt around the fossil. Almost breathless with anticipation, my excitement grew every time we brushed away the dirt to reveal yet …

Posted on October 10, 2014
Burdened With Blessings
Did you grow up in a good Christian home? One where you go to church every week to sing praise songs and listen to a sermon, where you read your Bible (your preferred translation and format) in the comfort …
Posted on August 29, 2012
Heavenly Hope, Part 2
As we saw in the first part of this clue series, Charles Darwin had a rather sad childhood. In some ways, a person might think that Darwin had a fairly pleasant life. He was wealthy, well educated, successful, …