Tag: history

Is the Genesis Creation Account Literal? – Creation Basics 2

Did God use evolution to create everything? Is there space for millions of years between the first two verses in Genesis?  Is the creation account in Genesis literal or just a moral story? These are just a few …

What’s Your Origin? – Creation Basics 1

How old is the earth? Does evolution disprove the Bible? What about dinosaurs? Did God use evolution to create everything? Is God even real, or is He just a myth?  People have a lot of questions about our …

Hawaii – All Three Types of Science

The luscious green canopy of trees suddenly turned into a desert-like terrain.  Shiny black landscape glistened in the mid-day sunlight.  Rolling, lumpy black land stretched on for many miles. The light dotting of trees and small shacks soon …

Destruction of the Ammonites

You might come across passages that talk about the destruction or judgment of the people group of “Ammonites” in the Bible, when reading through the Old Testament.  Some of these irritating Ammonites tried to prevent Nehemiah from re-building …

Be Still Already!

You’re running late. Someone forgot to send that thing you need to meet that deadline tomorrow, so you’re scrambling to figure out something else. Things are tense at work. Bedtime is not happening like it should for these …

Celebrating a Scientist who Rocked Our World

Beautiful, delicious layer cakes are often used in weddings, birthdays, and other celebrations. Monday, January 11, 2016 marks the 378th birthday of Nicolaus Steno, who was a brilliant creation scientist of history, best known for his groundbreaking work …

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