Tag: human

Your Mind-Blowing Brain!

Did you know that your brain works a little bit like a computer? Only, it’s like a computer that is way more amazing and complex than we can ever understand. Your brain is the best technology you will …

New Human Footprint Discovery?

The late afternoon sun was beginning to sink. Waves lapped up onto the sandy beach, erasing footprints and leaving a perfectly smooth surface of wet sand. The newly smoothed sandy surface, just waiting to catch new footprints, reminded …

He Nose About Breathing

Breathe through my nose?  What do you mean? That’s the problem. I can’t breathe through my nose – it’s stuffy!  These were my first thoughts when I heard about using certain breathing exercises to help relieve my seasonal …

A Gracious Stand for Truth

Sometimes standing up for young earth creation can become a sticky mess. Maybe you’ve read books, watched videos, or been to some talks so that you know what information is out there supporting the ideas that Earth is …

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