Tag: lava rock

Updated on January 30, 2019
Mad Scientists Make Real Lava
Don’t try this experiment at home! Recently, a group of research scientists in New York State recently re-created lava in the lab. Making and testing lava in a lab certainly sounds like something you would envision a mad scientist doing, but the reason why they did this is actually very good

Updated on May 11, 2017
Four Explosive C’s of Volcanoes
The dreariness of the cloudy, damp afternoon air was negated by my energy and excitement as I walked along the path, stopping every few steps to be enamored with the little things around me. Suddenly, I saw something …

Posted on February 6, 2015
Lava Rocks
A dark, shiny object caught my eye as it fell out of its hiding place, a small cavity in a fossil. The smooth, lightweight object was vastly different from the raggedly worn and delicate fossils in the donated …